waves of rage

No matter if the rage you feel is connected to perimenopause or not, journaling can be a really useful tool to help you process, understand and act on it.

Especially (but not only) when you’re in the perimenopausal season of life, some of the hormonal changes that you experience are associated with the Ayurvedic dosha pitta: hormonal waves can trigger irritation, sharpness or hotness.

Although there’s historically been a habit of hiding or not talking about these realities, we’re getting collectively more open when it comes to talking about hormonal changes and the effect they have - from hot flashes, disrupted sleep, to mood swings, and changes in libido.
Think for example about Drew Barrymore getting real about perimenopause on live TV - or the promotion of menopause-specific sex toys.
I find it refreshing and healthy to see that things are changing, that there is more openness - which helps us realize we’re not alone in it, and that what we experience is real.

No matter if the rage you feel is connected to perimenopause or not, journaling can be a really useful tool to help you process, understand and act on it.
To start, let’s try this exercise:

  • What’s happened to bring up this feeling of irritation?
  • How does this feeling show itself in your body? Where do you feel it? How does it feel? Sharp, hot, restless? Does it have a color? A shape?
  • What is that feeling telling you that you need?
  • How can you use movement to help you address that need? Would movement in terms of exercise, involvement or connection be most helpful? For example, do you need to go for a run, sign a petition or cry it out with a friend?
  • How can you be mindful of this need in the future?

With practice, exercises like these can start to feel easier, but you might find it helpful to have someone to notice where certain patterns pop up, to encourage you to check in with how something feels in your own body and to help guide you and your body toward recovery.

As a somatic therapist and intimacy coach, I’m here to help. Let me know if you have any questions, or book your one-on-one session here.

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Irina emits a healing energy that just feels good to be with. Each time we've met, I've relaxed into her presence, openness, authenticity and ability to offer support. She has helped me gain the perspective I needed to be more compassionate and gentle with myself. If you're ready to do the hard work of personal growth, I'd highly recommend partnering with Irina.

- April