winter writing prompts

I sat down this morning in my favorite chair, with blankets and tea, our cats close by, and poised with my favorite notebook, a blue one that reminds me of a crisp sky.

Writing is something I do every day throughout the year, even if it’s just two sentences about something that stood out for me, but I find it’s particularly helpful to do as the seasons change and my focus shifts.

During summer when the sun is shining, I find I’m often writing about what I’d like to see grow and blossom, but as the cool, gray weather settles in and the seasonal encouragement to rest and recharge kicks in, I find that writing in my journal really helps me discover what it is that I want to focus on, what will bring me warmth and comfort in times of melancholy, loneliness or even boredom.
In short: In winter, I write about preserving what is there and finding comfort and joy in that.

Looking at a blank page can feel daunting, I know.
Sitting in silence with nothing but your own mind chattering away can feel overwhelming. You might find it easier if you have a journal that you really like the appearance or feel of, and journaling can certainly be something that you work into your winter routine.

To help you get started, you might find it useful to use some of my winter writing prompts.
Have a look, and see which ones call out to you. Some might spark your curiosity, with a little tingly or bubbly feeling that starts in the belly and rises up. Others might bring up a sense of anxiety or restlessness, and journaling offers a time to sit with those feelings, too, and get more familiar with them. 

  • What are your top concerns for this winter? Name them, if you can, and in a few sentences, explore why they concern you.
    Try to check in with your body, asking it what it wants and needs - and then see what you need to follow its cue.
  • What are the top things you want to feel this winter?
    Having a word bank filled with words such as rested, warm, cared for, cozy, inspired, energized and connected might offer a place to start. 
    Once you know what you want to feel, then you can decide what you need to do and focus on in order to feel more of it.
  • Who do you wish to interact with?
    Remember that you can think back to your concerns and what you’re wanting to feel; write down people who support what you’re working toward, whether that’s feeling grounded, calm, centered, joyful or expansive.
  • Which activities or rituals feel supportive of things you want to feel this winter?
    For example, if you’re wanting to focus on your work-life balance, would an intentional end-of-day work routine help? If you’re wanting to feel cozy, would having blankets and candles around the house, ready to be used, help?
  • Try to connect with and reflect on how your body itself feels during the winter.
    Are there parts that ache or sensations that you feel - like the chill in the air biting your fingers and making them harder to move? What can you do to respond to your body’s needs?

With practice, exercises like these can start to feel easier, but you might find it helpful to have someone to notice where certain patterns pop up, to encourage you to check in with how something feels in your own body and to help guide you back to your intuition. 

If you feel like you'd want to explore (more of) this with me, you can contact me here, or join one of my group events.

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Irina emits a healing energy that just feels good to be with. Each time we've met, I've relaxed into her presence, openness, authenticity and ability to offer support. She has helped me gain the perspective I needed to be more compassionate and gentle with myself. If you're ready to do the hard work of personal growth, I'd highly recommend partnering with Irina.

- April